Application for UAE certificate of compliance (CoC)

For customers requiring a United Arab Emirates (UAE) Certificate of Compliance, download the CoC form, complete the application, and email the completed form or required information to  Please follow the process guidelines/steps below to obtain the UAE CoC:

Complete required information in Section 1 (“This Certificate of Compliance Validates the Following”) and Section 2 (“Manufacturer Details”).  For section 2 you will need:

  • Electronic manufacturer company logo used on the product 

Complete Section 3 (“Product Details From Test Report”) and Section 5 (“Endorsement- To be Signed by Manufacturer”)  For sections 3 and 5 you will need:

  • The FM Approvals test report information that served as the basis for the Approval of the products you are seeking UAE acceptance for (to complete the Product Details From Test Report section), including page number(s) from the Approval Report that documents that required information
  • Electronic Signature of the company representative
  • Electronic manufacturer official factory seal (to complete the Endorsement section)

After completion of the form, DO NOT click the “Process Document” button at the end of the document.  FM Approvals will use that in finalizing the form with the addition of our final FM Approvals signature and other information required to authorize the form.

Email the completed form  to FM Approvals at
We cannot process scanned copies.

Please also direct any questions you may have regarding processing of the form or required information to .

Completed final UAE certificates will be emailed back to the requesting manufacturer.  Additionally, FM Approvals will post final documents to a special FTP web-site that only the UAE has access to for their own verification of valid certificates issued. 

Private labeler or trade agent customers should contact for additional instructions.

Download now

Note: Adobe Acrobat is required to view this document. Click here if you need to download this application.

Related information

  • Approval standards

    FM Approvals has developed more than 200 Approval Standards that specify the Approval criteria of various types of products and services.