FM Approvals’ certification mark usage requirements

To maintain the highest of standards and utmost technical integrity, FM Approvals employs strict usage guidelines for the FM APPROVED mark. All guidelines are detailed below and a downloadable version can be accessed here.

Usage guidelines

All FM Approvals certification marks are the sole property of FM Approvals LLC ("FM Approvals") and are registered or subject of applications for registration in the United States and many other countries. They are for use only according to these guidelines.

Who may use FM Approvals certification marks


  • The use of the term "FM Approved" or use of the trademark certification logo shall not be used by any company without a valid relationship with FM Approvals.
  • FM Approvals certification mark shall be used only on FM Approved products in accordance with the product listing requirements.
  • FM Approvals customers often have legitimate FM Approval for products being advertised and sold by others, including online trading platforms, drop-ship companies, web-based advertisers, distributors, suppliers, and other legitimate business entities. The FM Approvals customer may not transfer the right to use FM Approvals certification marks of the use of the term "FM Approved" when dealing with any advertisers or marketers of these products.
  • In order for the advertiser or marketer to depict the FM Approvals certification mark, the FM Approvals customer (owner) must be clearly identified in the advertisement or marketing literature. Otherwise, a Private Labeler Agreement (PLA) must exist among the two parties and FM Approvals.

Use of FM Approvals certification marks on packaging/marketing materials

  • FM Approvals certification marks shall appear on all products or packaging materials of FM Approved products in accordance with the FM Approval requirements for those products. Any similar products that are not marketed as FM Approved should be uniquely identified and distinctive from the FM Approved product(s).
  • FM Approvals certification marks are strictly limited to use in association with those products that have attained FM Approval. Use of FM Approvals certification marks in advertisements, catalogs, news releases, websites or email marketing is not a substitute for use of the complete FM Approvals certification mark on FM Approved products and/or product packaging.
  • When an FM Approvals certification mark is used in advertising material, website display, electronic imaging, and quick reader scanner code or on product packaging, all materials must reflect the specific circumstances under which the product was FM Approved. The material must clearly differentiate between products that are FM Approved and those that are not, and may not, in any way, imply a more substantial relationship with FM Approvals.

Invalid use of FM Approvals certification marks

  • No FM Approvals certification mark or aspect thereof may be incorporated as part of a business name, Internet domain name, or brand name/trademark for products/product lines. This includes both design aspects (the FM Approvals "diamond", etc.) and word aspects ("FM," "FM Approved," etc.) The use of any FM Approvals certification mark as a trademark is strictly prohibited.
  • The Approval Standard number or class number may not be incorporated as part of a business name, Internet domain name, or brand name/trademark for products/product lines. For example, a company may not say "ABC Company’s 4100 Fire Door is FM Approved"; the proper terminology is, "ABC Company's Fire Door is FM Approved per Approval Standard 4100."
  • FM Approvals certification marks, except for the FM Approvals Quality System Registration mark, may not be used on business stationery/cards/signage, because this could mischaracterize the relationship with FM Approvals. Additionally, these items should not reference any FM Approvals certification mark.
  • FM Approvals certification marks may not be used in a 'general' context on websites or other online trading platforms. The certification mark must be used in conjunction with the actual product which is FM Approved and if being advertising by an entity other than the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) the FM Approved manufacturer’s name must be evident.
  • Products or services may not be marketed under any mark or name similar to "FM Global," "FM Approvals" or any of the FM Approvals certification marks. Further, products or services may not be marketed to imply a relationship beyond the scope of any Approval made by FM Approvals.
  • A company may not reference the intent to submit a product for Approval or the expectation that a company will have a certain product FM Approved in the future. For example, a company may not state "Approval by FM Approvals pending" or "Approval by FM Approvals applied for."
  • FM Approvals certification marks should not be preceded or followed by a qualifier that indicates a degree of certification or acceptability. For example, "exceeds", "first" or "only" may not be used to qualify any FM Approvals certification mark.

Proper appearance of FM Approvals certification marks

  • Only original artwork issued by FM Approvals should be used. The FM Approvals certification marks should not be altered in any way other than to resize the artwork proportionately. Unacceptable uses of the marks include, but are not limited to, adding/deleting wording or artwork, reducing the artwork to an illegible size, animation or distortion.
  • The text of the FM Approvals certification marks may not be translated into any language other than English.
  • FM Approvals certification marks must appear in a size and location that is readily identifiable, but less prominent than the name of the owner of the certification or manufacturer/seller/distributor of the certified products.

Examples of misuse of FM Approvals brand identity

  • Factory Mutual Approved;
  • FM Global Approved;
  • Factory Mutual Research Corporation tested and certified;
  • Third party tested by FM;
  • Accepted for use by FM Global;
  • Approved for use in Factory Mutual insured facilities;
  • Factory Mutual System Approved