Additional certifications
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
FM Approvals is a notified body within the European Union (EU) to the ATEX Directive. That means we can undertake the assessment, testing and certification of your products against this Directive. The ATEX Directive applies to equipment, protective systems and components intended to be used in environments where there is the potential for explosion due to gases, vapors, mists or dusts.
There are two ATEX directives—one for equipment suppliers and one for end users:
FM Approvals is a Notified Body under the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU. Products that comply with this Directive bear the CE and the ATEX marks.
*Directive 2014/34/EU replaced Directive 94/9/EC in April 2016. FM Approvals was also previously notified against 94/9/EC.
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
Your product may become FM Approved following our five-step process. Our process is straightforward and efficient and, if Approved, can differentiate your product in the global marketplace.