Additional certifications
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
FM Approvals is accredited as a notified body to test and certify products under the European Union Construction Products Regulations (CPR). The CPR aims to overcome the technical barriers to trade posed by European Economic Area (EEA) countries that observe different standards, testing and labeling approaches for the same construction products.
The regulation relies on four key factors:
Under the CPR, manufacturers of construction products that are covered by harmonized European Norm (hEN) standards or an existing European Technical Assessment (ETA) are required, when placing a product on the market in any EEA country, to make a Declaration of Performance (DoP) for the product and affix the CE mark.
As a notified body, FM Approvals can provide testing and certification services to support a manufacturer’s DoP and CE marking to hEN standards covering:
Manufacturers of FM Approved fire protection and construction materials can receive our CPR services (CE mark) at the same time they are undergoing FM Approvals certification (FM diamond mark).
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
Your product may become FM Approved following our five-step process. Our process is straightforward and efficient and, if Approved, can differentiate your product in the global marketplace.