Additional certifications
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
No one wants to take chances when it comes to safety, especially your customers. They want to know they can depend on your product to perform exactly the way you say it will. FM Approvals' functional safety certification underscores your product's quality and reliability, signifies that your safety-related product or system meets the stringent requirements of national and international standards and gives your customers the assurance they need to make an informed purchasing decision.
The FM Approvals' functional safety certification evaluates the reliability of automated safety products and how well such products work in real-world, industrial applications. We examine the products for compliance with IEC 61508, the international standard for evaluating and certifying the reliability of safety-related products and systems.
Whether our certification experts perform the necessary tests in our testing labs or simply review the results of your in-house tests, they work closely with you to explain the intricate details of the standards, as well as suggest specific techniques to improve product quality.
FM Approvals is one of the organizations leading the development of the IEC 61508, as well as the U.S. standard, ANSI/ISA S84.01.
FM Approvals serves its clients worldwide through its global certification program with testing facilities in North America, the European Union, South America, Asia and Australia.
A worldwide presence and globally accepted certification mark enable FM Approvals to offer manufacturers with FM Approved products a single source for certification and direct access to global markets.
Your product may become FM Approved following our five-step process. Our process is straightforward and efficient and, if Approved, can differentiate your product in the global marketplace.