Certification benefits

  • Cylinders on a shelf

    ATEX certification from FM Approvals

    FM Approvals’ audit process helps ensure that FM Approved products continue to meet all the requirements of the test standard or specification.

  • Reviewing a tablet in a warehouse

    FM Approvals auditing ensure continual product compliance

    FM Approvals’ audit process helps ensure that FM Approved products continue to meet all the requirements of the test standard or specification.

  • Ceiling with sprinklers and smoke alarm

    FM Approved class 1 fire rated interior wall and ceiling panels

    FM Approved Class 1 fire-rated interior walls and ceiling panels reduce the hazard of self-propagating fire spread and potential fire damage within the facility.

  • Flammable liquid containers

    FM Approved doorway spill barriers

    FM Approved Class 1 fire-rated interior walls and ceiling panels reduce the hazard of self-propagating fire spread and potential fire damage within the facility.

  • Man and woman examining containers

    FM Approved equipment for hazardous locations

    FM Approvals is uniquely positioned to assist manufacturers in taking advantage of both Division and Zone classifications for hazardous locations.

  • Large fire pump

    FM Approved fire pump packages

    FM Approved fire pump packages have tested the driver, pump and controller as a system to ensure that its performance characteristics meet the protection requirements for the property.

  • Matches lines up with first two lit

    FM Approved flame detection

    FM Approved flame detectors are tested against full-scale fires. FM Approvals is the only testing organization to use full-scale fire tests as a standard part of its evaluation of flame and spark detectors.

  • Flooded city

    FM Approved flood mitigation

    FM Approvals is the only testing organization in the world that tests individual components and materials associated with flood mitigation products and systems, as well subjecting products to full-scale simulated riverine flood tests.

  • Foam around pipes

    FM Approved foam fire protection

    FM Approved foam fire protection offers better protection against ignitable liquid fires. This is because FM Approvals evaluates both the minimum and maximum application rates for foam extinguishing systems.

  • Pipes

    FM Approved fume and smoke exhaust ducts

    FM Approved non-metallic or coated stainless steel ducts are now standard equipment for most modern fabs.

  • Giant flame

    FM Approved heat detectors

    FM Approved heat detectors are certified to deliver the performance promised by the manufacturer specifications. FM Approvals uses a response time index (RTI) rating system to ensure proper spacing limitations for heat detectors.

  • Pipes

    FM Approved high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe and fittings

    FM Approved high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe and fittings are subjected to more severe performance testing, resulting in enhanced reliability and confidence. FM Approved pipes are the pipe of choice for many horizontal drilling applications.

  • Leak detector

    FM Approved hydrocarbon leak detectors

    FM Approved hydrocarbon leak detectors and fast-response sensors provide a more encompassing certification and allow for early detection.

  • Machine holding very hot cylinder

    FM Approved industrial fluids

    FM Approved industrial fluids represent a low fire hazard and do not require additional automatic sprinkler protection.

  • Entrance to large garage

    FM Approved insulated panels (exterior building panels)

    FM Approved exterior wall building panels are tested for fire performance, as well as their ability to withstand natural hazard events without compromising the building structure.

  • Empty room with ventilation

    FM Approved interior wall and ceiling materials for smoke-sensitive occupancies

    FM Approved low-smoke wall and ceiling panels have been evaluated to provide assurance that they will limit fire propagation and generate significantly less smoke than traditional wall or ceiling panels.

  • Roof

    FM Approved lap seam roofs

    FM Approved lap seam metal roofs are part of a roofing system that has been tested for wind uplift and fire resistance, and proven to perform as specified.

  • Panels

    FM Approved photovoltaic modules

    FM Approvals tests roof-top photovoltaic (PV) systems against wind-blown fire, wind uplift resistance, hail and debris, while ensuring electrical safety and performance.

  • Pipes

    FM Approved pipe and duct insulation

    FM Approved pipe and duct insulations represent a low fire hazard and do not require automatic sprinkler protection.

  • Large piping site

    FM Approved point gas detection

    FM Approvals is the only certification organization in the world that mandates performance for all types of gas detection—combustible, toxics and oxygen depletion—as a requirement to earn our certification mark.

  • Roof

    FM Approved roofing

    An FM Approved roof means you get a tested roof assembly, not simply a collection of products and parts that may or may not perform as expected.

  • Pipes held to ceiling with supports

    FM Approved seismic sway bracing

    FM Approved seismic sway brace assemblies and components undergo rigorous and realistic motion-based cyclic testing that results in enhanced reliability.

  • Large warehouse with bright lights on ceiling

    FM Approved skylights

    FM Approved skylights have been certified to meet the requirements of daylighting designs, with glazing systems that provide the highest possible loss prevention protection against the risk of fire, natural hazards and foot traffic damage.

  • Engine

    FM Approved spray fire shields

    FM Approved spray fire shields have undergone extensive testing that assures the highest level of performance in real-world conditions.

  • Ceiling sprinkler spraying water

    FM Approved sprinklers

    FM Approved sprinklers, when used in accordance with new FM Global standards, result in the need for fewer sprinklers, less piping and lower water pressure to operate.

  • Sprinkler spraying mist

    FM Approved water mist system

    To ensure water mist systems will perform as expected in special operations, FM Approvals uses the most comprehensive water mist standard in the world, incorporating decades of intensive research, actual loss experience and field engineering.

  • Man in yellow maintenance coat checking clipboard

    Tested and certified products

    Testing and certification ensures that a product will work and perform as intended.