FM mark usage requirements
To maintain the highest of standards and utmost technical integrity, FM Approvals employs strict usage guidelines for the FM APPROVED mark.
If you rely on FM Approvals’ certification marks, you’ll need a clear understanding of how and when they’re used.
FM Approvals’ certification marks should be used only in conjunction with products or services that have been FM Approved. Additionally, only original artwork issued by FM Approvals should be used.
Our marks should not be altered in any way other than to resize the artwork proportionally. There is no minimum size requirement for FM Approvals’ certification marks, but they must be large enough to be readily identifiable. They should be produced in black on a light background, or in reverse on a dark background.
The FM APPROVED mark is authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been FM Approved.
When reproduction of the FM Approved mark is impossible, these modified versions may be used.
v1: TIF JPEG EPSThis mark is authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been FM Approved in accordance with Canadian codes and standards.
This mark is authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been FM Approved in accordance with FM Approvals and Canadian standards.
This mark is authorized by FM Approvals as a certification mark for any product that has been FM Approved in accordance with UKCA requirements.
Note: FM Approvals’ certification marks should never be used in any manner that could suggest or imply FM Approvals’ endorsement of a specific manufacturer or distributor. Nor should it be implied that Approval extends to a product or service not covered by written agreement with FM Approvals. FM Approvals’ certification marks signify that products or services have met certain requirements as mandated by FM Approvals.
To maintain the highest of standards and utmost technical integrity, FM Approvals employs strict usage guidelines for the FM APPROVED mark.