Apr 11, 2024

Counterfeit Metraflex Company Air Vents (MVC15)

  • Type of Notification: Counterfeiting
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

FM Approvals has been made aware of counterfeit air vents (release valves) found in Thailand bearing the FM Approvals’ certification mark. FM Approvals has neither tested nor certified these products.

Company Identity: Unknown

Product Identity: The air vents bear the product model number “MVC15”, however these were not manufactured by Metraflex Company. The identity of the manufacturer is unknown.

Description: Air Release Valve
Make/Model: MVC15
Nameplate Data: 175 P.S.I. C.W.P.

FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved.

Hazard Involved: These air release valves cannot be relied on to operate as intended. Air release valves expel air or gas up to the full operating pressure of the fire protection system. Air release valves automatically vent small pockets of accumulated air during startup and as they accumulate in fire protection systems. Use of products that falsely claim FM Approval may present a property risk for the user.


If you suspect you are in possession of counterfeit Model MVC15 air release valves bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
