Dec 14, 2007

Counterfeit Anber Globe SA Automatic Fire Sprinkler

  • Type of Notification: Counterfeiting
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

Alert Summary

FM Approvals has recently learned that Anber Globe SA’s Model GE5651 automatic fire sprinkler has been counterfeited and distributed in the Asia market. This discovery comes on the heels of an initial discovery that the Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation’s Model GL5651 and GN5651 automatic fire sprinklers had been found counterfeited in the Asia market.

The GE5651 sprinkler had previously been FM Approved in August 1999 until formal FM Approval was withdrawn in June 2003, when production was discontinued. There are several telltale indicators that differentiate the counterfeit from the authentic sprinkler.

Using This Product?

If you suspect you are in possession of any of the affected equipment listed above bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Robert Lovell

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4820
