May 12, 2016

FM Approvals has been made aware of an unauthorized modification to an FM Approved Gentler Industrial Co., Ltd. product.

  • Type of Notification: Non-FM Approved Product Modification
  • FM Approval Status: Not FM Approved

FM Approvals has been made aware of grooved 90 degree elbows bearing the FM Approvals mark produced by Gentler Industrial Co., Ltd. that were marked with an improper rated working pressure.


Company Identity: Gentler Industrial Co Ltd

Address: 1F No 986 Chung Hsiao East Rd Sec 5, Taipei, Taiwan


Product Identity: Model GT602 Grooved 90 Degree Elbow (See Fig. 1)

Description:  Nominal pipe size 4”/114.3mm Grooved 90 Degree Elbow

FM Approval Status:  Not Approved as marked


Hazard Involved:  The grooved 90 degree elbows in question bear a rated working pressure marking of “500psi” instead of the FM Approved rated working pressure marking of “300psi”. Application of these elbow fittings for service pressures higher than 300 psi may result in leakage, rupture, or complete separation from the connected pipe.




Figure 1.

TOP - grooved Elbow discovered in Australia with the non-FM Approved 500 psi marking.

MIDDLE/BOTTOM – correctly marked elbows.

Using This Product?

If you suspect you are in possession of a Gentler Industrial Co., Ltd. grooved 90 degree elbow that bears the FM Approvals certification and the 500 psi rated working pressure markings, please bring that to the attention of:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
