Aug 19, 2020

Product Safety Notification for PMV Automation AB Series D3E Digital Valve Positioners

  • Type of Notification: Product Safety Notification
  • FM Approval Status: FM Approved

PMV Automation AB has notified FM Approvals of a potential safety concern involving their Series D3E Digital Valve Positioners shipped to customers in the US between January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2019.

Company Identity: PMV Automation AB

Address: Korta Gatan 9, S-171 54 Solna, Sweden

Contact Information: Customer Support
            Phone:  281-671-9209, Email:

Product Identity: Series D3E Digital Valve Positioners

Description: Digital Valve Positioner for Class I,  Division 1, Groups B, C and D hazardous (classified) locations 

FM Approval Status: FM Approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D only

Hazard Involved: PMV Automation AB, Series D3E Digital Valve Positioners shipped to customers in the US between January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2019 were assembled with non-compliant flame arrestors.  As a result, these products do not comply with the requirements for Class I, Division 1, Group B installations.  The products do however comply with the requirements for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D installations. The products were shipped with markings showing the product as Explosionproof suitable for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C and D hazardous (classified) locations, and may present a property risk for users if installed in a Group B environment.
PMV Automation AB is reaching out to all users and is conducting an exchange program for affected product.  Please read the attached for a complete description of the potential hazard and any actions that must be taken by end users of these products. 

Using this Product?

If you suspect you are in possession of the affected equipment listed above, bearing the FM Approvals certification marking, please bring that to the attention of:

Antonio Pires

Norwood, MA, United States

+1 (1) 781-255-4825
