New Standard: FM 1330, Fire Pump Monitoring and Automated Testing

Publish Date : 13 March 2024

Fire Pump

FM Approvals Standard 1330, Fire Pump Monitoring and Automated Testing, provides testing and certification requirements for two new products: fire pump monitoring systems and automated testing systems.

The release of FM 1330 continues FM Approvals’ expansion of certification capabilities for technologies used to monitor critical assets. These fire pump monitoring and automated testing systems are intended to enhance fire pump reliability and also reduce the amount of personnel time needed to inspect and test them.

Fire pump monitoring systems report system trouble conditions or negative performance trends to summons qualified personnel to investigate and repair. Automated fire pump testing systems automatically initiate and monitor weekly pump performance tests. These tests have traditionally been conducted by trained personnel and these systems eliminate this need. In the event of a problem during the test, it is automatically terminated and the system reports the failure.

The automation and technology these systems use allow for significantly improved real-time pump health information, thereby improving reliability. In all cases, these new systems are subordinate to the pump control such that they do not influence the normal starting and operation of the pump in the event of a fire.

If your organization manufactures fire pump monitoring and automated testing systems or is in search of these and other property loss prevention solutions, please access the Approval Guide or contact Charlie Mahall at +1 781-255-4884 or