FM Approvals plays significant role in EOTA’s adoption of flood-related EAD

Publish Date 21 August 2024

Flood Barrier OJEU

In July 2024, EOTA announced the adoption and publishing of 19 European Assessment Documents (EADs) in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), including EAD 180002-00-0706 for opening and perimeter barriers for flood protection of a building or other structure. As a Technical Assessment Body (TAB), FM Approvals successfully completed the work required for this adoption and acceptance. This new, European harmonized technical specification was developed largely based on the technical requirements of ANSI/FM Approvals 2510, the American National Standard for Flood Mitigation Equipment. With the EAD now cited in the OJEU, it can be used by manufacturers to test, certify, and CE mark their flood barriers.

This means that manufacturers of certain types of opening and perimeter flood barriers can voluntarily apply for a European Technical Assessment (ETA) that will use similar technical requirements for both FM Approvals certification and the CE marking process. Subject to review, most existing FM Approved opening and perimeter barriers can be efficiently CE marked (at the manufacturer’s request), supporting streamlined preparation for more widespread distribution opportunities throughout the EU and the UK.

With these paths to certification in place, the EAD/ETA route to certification creates an opportunity for manufacturers of loss prevention products to be the first to apply for an ETA against the requirements of the July 2024 cited version – therefore becoming the first CE marked flood solution in this new regulatory landscape. Additionally, the Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) system has changed from “3” to “2+”, meaning that an EU Notified Body must complete a factory audit and certify that a manufacturer’s facility can continue to manufacture barriers of the required quality.

Manufacturers who already have an FM Approved flood barrier covered by the scope of the EAD, can now apply for an ETA – leading to the eventual CE marking of their FM Approved barrier or barriers and, subject to review, without the need complete additional testing. New customers can simultaneously apply for FM Approvals certification and request an ETA and, essentially, the same tests and technical requirements will be applied in a streamlined process.

FM Approvals standing as a TAB, member of EOTA, and a Notified Body in the EU means that we can issue the ETA, the CE certificate of conformity to the factory production control, and FM Approvals certification for products that meet the relevant technical and performance requirements for all. For existing and new customers, our offering of FM Approvals certification and a voluntary route to CE marking creates efficiencies that favorably impact project timelines and cost.

For more information related to these requirements, or to submit a request for FM Approvals certification and/or CE marking, please email

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