Tested and certified fire protection evolves with first FM Approved oxygen reduction system

Publish Date 19 January 2025

FMA_Insights_Wagner OxyReduct

On January 9, 2025, FM Approvals issued the first-ever certification of an oxygen reduction system to WAGNER Group GmbH. WAGNER's OxyReduct® successfully completed the testing and certification requirements of
FM Approvals Standard 5800 for Oxygen Reduction Systems.

Oxygen reduction systems actively lower the oxygen concentration in a designated area by introducing an alternate gas or gases, essentially taking away the oxygen needed to ignite or propagate. These types of systems are deployed in high-risk environments like data centers, server rooms, and storage facilities where fire protection is critical, but the exposure of assets to water-based fire protection would destroy or damage essential equipment.

Performance testing of OxyReduct® to the requirements of FM 5800 was conducted at a normal ambient temperature of 70°F ± 5°F (21.1°C ± 2.8°C). Testing procedures encompassed an overall examination plus evaluations of valve seat leakage, hydrostatic strength, operating pressure, durability-cycling, extreme temperatures operation, salt fog corrosion, friction loss determination, and seals/O-rings.

According to Werner WAGNER, Managing Director and Shareholder of WAGNER Group GmbH, “with the successful achievement of becoming FM Approved, and having a solution tested and certified by FM Approvals, we have once again strengthened and expanded our position as a technology and innovation pioneer in fire prevention. This not only validates our system’s performance, but also provides us with new access to international markets – creating exciting opportunities for growth.”

While FM Approvals has been evaluating traditional loss prevention products since 1886, we also test and certify the performance of cutting-edge solutions. As industries, asset owners, and our customers innovate and evolve, we do the same by offering certification programs for their emerging areas of focus. This first-of-its-kind certification is another example of how FM Approvals’ evolving testing and certification capabilities align with our customer’s evolution – whether it be in product development or the applications those products are deployed for in support of property loss prevention.

FM Approvals is recognized and respected worldwide with accreditations from more than 30 domestic and international organizations. The 60,000+ FM Approved products listed in the Approval Guide and RoofNav are produced by manufacturers based in more than 70 countries. If your organization manufactures or is in search of property loss prevention products, access the Approval Guide or contact Witali Engelhardt (Manager, New Business, EMEA) at witali.engelhardt@fmapprovals.com.