FM Approvals Standard 7745, Liquid Leak Detection

Publish Date : 07 February 2022

There are many examples when liquid leaks have caused significant damage to facilities resulting in lost productivity. These types of leaks often begin in unoccupied areas or in spaces hidden by large appliances or equipment. By the time the leak is visible in higher traffic areas, it is likely that these unoccupied or hidden spaces have already incurred significant damage.

FM Approvals’ examination standard for Liquid Leak Detection (FM 7745) tests and certifies products designed to prevent and mitigate potential damages associated with both water and hydrocarbon leaks. The updated product scope for this standard includes;

  • Spot, linear and area detection
  • Roof leak detection systems
  • Wired and wireless systems
  • Systems that learn water usage patterns and take action to shut off valves

If your organization is in search of certified liquid leak detection, please visit our Approval Guide for the listing of manufacturers and products that have completed certification.

If your organization manufactures products in this space, click here to access of copy of the complete FM 7745 Standard.