4 reasons FM Approvals product testing standards are readily available online

Publish Date 25 August 2022

The highly robust loss prevention product testing standards are also the easiest to access


Manufacturers, engineers, regulatory agencies, committees, and end users of property loss prevention products around the globe know the FM Approvals diamond is the most heralded certification mark of its kind. Those who need to reference the rigorous product testing standards en route to securing the diamond can view and download standards from fmapprovals.com at no cost.

While other testing and certification organizations leverage their standards as revenue streams, FM Approvals is committed to keeping theirs complimentary in order to improve loss prevention around the world (fig 1).

Approval Standards Screen

Fig 1 – FM Approvals has developed more than 200 Approval Standards. The standards illustrate the Approval criteria of various types of products and services.
  1. Sharing knowledge

    FM Approvals possesses over 135 years of loss prevention product testing and certification experience, and our leadership team has a combined 400 years in the certification business. That kind of knowledge is simply too deep and impactful to the world to place behind a pay wall. By making the product testing standards readily available, we are facilitating important conversations on loss prevention to make the world a more resilient place.

    "They’re experts in what they do and very helpful in sharing their knowledge," says Alan Brinson, Executive Director at European Fire Sprinkler Network (EFSN) in the UK. "Without access to standards, initiatives might stall or stop altogether. The access keeps the industry in motion."


  2. Equipping professionals

    At EFSN, Brinson is responsible for promoting the use of fire sprinklers across Europe, often the most fluid regulatory environment in the world. Online access to FM Approvals standards gives him the tools to accomplish the organization’s mission.

    "When we’re drafting a proposal for a new European standard, we look to FM Approvals for guidance," he says. "They have an extensive library of standards and approved products that can be helpful, including when I'm explaining the importance of fire sprinklers to stakeholders and for the designers and installers themselves."

    FM Approvals objectively tests property loss prevention products and services and certifies those that meet rigorous loss prevention standards. Real-time information about the 52,000-plus approved products can be found in the Approval Guide (fig 2). This resource is not impeded by a membership or subscription, giving loss prevention professionals unrestricted access to technical information related to approved products spanning fire protection, building materials, and electrical systems.


Approval Standards Screen

Fig 2 – The Approval Guide provides a central search box (at top) and 25 at-a-glance product categories to choose from.
  1. Informing decisions

    FM Approvals product testing standards are the basis for sound property loss decisions. Along the way, we invite any industry professional to start a conversation with our team, speak with our engineers, and not only meet the mark, but truly understand the science that backs technical integrity of the diamond.

    "You can test to just pass code, but FM Approvals has developed a process to get the most out of your product," says Michael Darsch, Vice President of Technical Services at Sika Sarnafil, a leading manufacturer of PVC roofing and waterproofing systems in the U.S. "You're not just testing the baseline; you’re taking it to that next level to continually raise the bar."


  2. Enabling solutions

    Research and development are crucial to loss prevention. We encourage use of FM Approvals standards to drive innovation from new and well-known manufacturers alike. Marcel Ruesink of fire protection manufacturer Viking EMEA says FM Approvals helps Viking address risks and develop solutions for Viking's customers. He references FM Approvals standards on a regular basis.


"[FM Approvals is] open to work with manufacturers for new developments and they share what’s needed to move technology forward," Ruesink says. "They make the world safer in that respect."

Protecting property requires robust loss prevention product testing standards and a dedicated approach to ensure those standards are rooted in science. Learn more about FM Approvals and view our 200+ Approval Standards online.