FM Approvals has been notified by Detcon Inc. of a safety related product recall involving FM Approved TP-524D, TP-524DK and TP-524DS Toxic Gas Detectors.
Company Identity: Detcon Inc
Address: 4055 Technology Forest Blvd - Suite 100, The Woodlands, TX 77382
Contact Information: 3M Gas & Flame Detection; Detcon Global Service Center
Phone: 713-559-9230, Email:
Product Identity: TP-524D, TP-524DK and TP-524DS
Description: Toxic Gas Detectors
FM Approval Status: FM Approved since May 16, 2011
Hazard Involved: DETCON Inc has issued a safety related product recall involving FM Approved TP-524D, TP-524DK and TP-524DS transmitters with integral toxic sensor manufactured from April 2010 to June 2018 (FM Approved after May 16, 2011).
This recall is due to the use of a glass window in the assembly of the transmitters which does not meet the product specifications. Products assembled with this substandard glass have recently failed flame propagation testing and as a result, are not in compliance with explosion proof requirements for installation in a Hazardous Locations.
Please read the attached Product Recall Notice for a complete description of the potential hazard and any actions that must be taken by end users of these products. The attached notice was sent to all customers who have units covered under this product safety notification.