Alert Summary
FM Approvals has been made aware of the existence of a Kenwood model TK-3170 Land Mobile Radio bearing a counterfeit FM Approvals marking. The Kenwood model TK-3170 Land Mobile Radio bearing a counterfeit FM Approvals marking was discovered in Mexico. This product was never tested nor certified by FM Approvals.
Kenwood Land Mobile Radio.
Nameplate Data
Hazard Involved
The product in question is a portable radio manufactured by Kenwood USA Corporation for use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations which was certified for use in this environment by another certification agency. After the product left the Kenwood USA manufacturing facility, an unknown party unlawfully added the FM Approvals certification mark to the product. Even though the product bears a counterfeit FM Approvals certification mark, as it has never been tested nor certified by FM Approvals.
The radio was discovered in Mexico by Kenwood’s distributor in the region. When Kenwood USA learned of the counterfeit marking on the radio, they immediately notified FM Approvals of the problem. The attached picture shows the location of the fraudulent marking on the Kenwood model TK-3170 Land Mobile Radio.