FM Approvals has been notified by LumaSense Technologies GmbH of a potential defect due to porosities involving the FM USA & Canada Approved and ATEX/ IECEx certified E2T Pulsar 4 Advanced Infra-Red Pyrometers and E2T Pulsar 4 Infra-Red Pyrometers.
Company: LumaSense Technology GmbH
Address: Kleyerstrasse 90, Frankfurt D-60326
Contact Information: Contact the local quality manager for LumaSense Technology, or email:
Product Identity: E2T Pulsar 4 Infra-Red Pyrometer
Models: E2T Pulsar 4 Advanced Infra-Red Pyrometer and E2T Pulsar 4 Infra-Red Pyrometer.
Nameplate Data: E2T IR Pryometer – Pulsar 4 Advanced – Pulsar 4
FM Approvals Certificates: FM16US0049, FM16CA0028, FM14ATEX0004X
IECEx Certificate: FME 14.0001X
FM Approval Status: FM Approved for US & Canada as explosionproof for hazardous locations, ATEX and IECEx certified as flameproof for explosive atmospheres.
Hazard Involved: The products contain a potential risk due to porosities that could reduce the strength of the enclosure in terms of explosion safety and may also allow water entering into the main electrical compartment if the water-cooling base section is used. See attached Product Notice issued by Lumasense Technologies GmbH, dated 15 July 2019, which describes instructions to address the porosity issue for units in the field.