Alert Summary
FM Approvals has been made aware of the discovery of two counterfeit automatic sprinklers
manufactured to resemble the products described below:
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co.
1470 Smith Grove Rd
Liberty, South Carolina 29657-0313
Contact information
Mr. Paul Sasser,
Product Identity
Description: Standard spray pendent, standard response, bulb type, K5.6 automatic sprinkler
Make/Model: F1
Nameplate data: [no nameplate]
FM Approval status: Previously FM Approved, delisted in 2010
Product Identity: R1725
Description: Standard spray upright, standard response, bulb type, K5.6 automatic sprinkler
Make/Model: F1
Nameplate data: [no nameplate]
FM Approval status: Currently FM Approved
Hazard Involved
There is no evidence these counterfeit products have ever been tested to the rigorous
requirements of any testing and certification organization, including FM Approvals, and we
advise that use of these products present a serious safety concern for the user. These concerns may include (but are not limited to) the following: failure of the thermal element, orifice leakage, early operation, late operation, bulb strutting (incomplete fracture), deflector blow off, inadequate or excessive discharge rate, corrosive attack, failure to operate, failure to produce an adequate discharge pattern, etc.