FM Approvals was notified on March 03, 2021 by Siemens AG of a non-conformance involving FM Approved Siemens AG SIMATIC ET 200SP AI Modules manufactured between September 2018 and December 2020.
Company Identity: Siemens AG, Digital Industries, Factory Automation
Address: Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 50, Amberg, Germany
Contact Information: Technical Support – Customer Care Center
+49 911 895 7222, Email:
Product Identity:
Part Number
Function State
ET 200SP AI Energy Meter 480V AC/CT HF
FS01, FS02, FS03, FS04
ET 200SP AI Energy Meter 480V AC/RC HF
FS01, FS02, FS03, FS04
Description: AG SIMATIC ET 200SP AI Modules (Programmable Logic Controllers)
Make/Model: See above
Nameplate Data: The function state is shown on the front side of the modules
FM Approvals Certificates: FM16US0053X, FM16CA0029X
FM Approval Status: FM Approved as Non-incendive for Hazardous (Classified) Locations.
Hazard Involved: The products contain a non-compliance with electrical safety requirements due to an electrical transformer being supplied with incorrect spacing dimensions. As a result, contact with hazardous voltage can occur in individual cases in the installation, which could result in damage to equipment and personal injury.
Affected modules should be replaced with spare parts with function state FS05. The exchange should be conducted as described in the attached Safety Notice, issued by Siemens AG.